The Muş meeting on the second of April was rather eventful. Before the meeting MHP Muş Provincial Chair Sadullah Tetik argued with BDP members and refused to attend the meeting.
The Muş meeting on the second of April was rather eventful. Before the meeting MHP Muş Provincial Chair Sadullah Tetik argued with BDP members and refused to attend the meeting. His commented on Günaydın Muş paper as “There are so mary issues concerning Muş and why should we discuss developements in Egypt, Libya, and Jordan?” He has declared that they will boycott sNAs.
Upon which provincial Chairs Halis Saltık (AKP) and Muhittin Aytunç (Saadet Party) declared their support stating that Muş sNA was not acting according to its principles.
Twenty NGOs’ reactions to these responses were declared in a text on April 11:
- To say that sNA is not acting fit to its purpose is injust. sNAs aim a regular and monthly dialogue between the elected and the electors with no go betweens, no prejudices, and no censure have maintained their structure meticulously where even the smallest of voices can be heard, no one is silenced and no one is allowed to use abusive language and everyone communicates with complaisance.
- The agenda is decided in the sNA itself. To date, we have spoken on topics discussed in general in Turkey and locally the issues pertaining to Muş. They are all listed in the attachment below.
- MHP provincial chair Tetik should have stayed to hear all the comments and say his own piece freely. Saadet Party provincial chair Muhittin Aytunç on the other hand have never attended one of our meetings. AKP provincial chair Halis Saltık have been here before, 5 times actually, and never have stated his concern before. He was absent at the last meeting, he should have been there to hear the second half of the meeting where political party election programs were discussed and he could also have spoken on behalf of his party as well.
The press release ended in an invitation, for all the candidates, to the May 7, 2011 meeting.