In our April meetings and afterwards in the two meetings to be organized in May, the 10 Demands will be introduced to the PM candidates and then will be debated. Approval and pledge will be asked from the candidates for each demand.
The Turkish small Provincial Assemblies conducted the 10 Demands work before the 7 June general elections, as before every election.
In our April meetings and afterwards in the two meetings to be organized in May, the 10 Demands will be introduced to the PM candidates and then will be debated. Approval and pledge will be asked from the candidates for each demand.
We share the 10 Demands common denominator, compiled from 5 general and 5 local demands, with our followers in this report.
To the study, which highly resembles the previous 10 demands studies as well as common denominator reports of the TsPa prepared until now, more than 200 non-governmental associations have participated.
The complete 10 demands can be read on the April 2015 Common Denominator Report.