After Soma disaster in May, work and worker safety in Turkey became a hot topic. However, we still hear about work accidents, deaths and injuries in many sectors such as mining, construction, transportation and shipbuilding.
After Soma disaster in May, work and worker safety in Turkey became a hot topic. However, we still hear about work accidents, deaths and injuries in many sectors such as mining, construction, transportation and shipbuilding.
In June, SPA is organizing meetings in 19 cities to discuss “After Soma, Work Safety” topic with the participation of MPs and civilians.
Ankara | 7 June, Çankaya Belediyesi Başkanlığı 14:00 |
Batman | June, Batman Belediyesi Meclis Salonu, 13:30 |
Bursa | June, Ördekli Kültür Merkezi, 20:00 |
Diyarbakır | 7 June, Gazeteciler Cemiyeti, 10:30 |
Elazığ | 31 May, Pazarcılar Derneği 13:30 |
Eskişehir | 7 June, Taşbaşı Kültür Merkezi, 19:00 |
Hatay | 7 June, Büyükşehir Belediyesi Meclis Salonu, 11:00 |
Kayseri | 7 June, Kocasinan Belediyesi Meclis Salonu, 14:30 |
Kocaeli | 6 June, MARSİAD, 18:30 |
Malatya | 7 June, Belediye Toplantı Salonu 13:30 |
Mardin | 7 June, MÜSİAD, 14:00 |
Mersin | 7 June, MESİAD Erhan Deniz Konferans Salonu, 14:00 |
Bodrum&Muğla | 7 June, Bodrum Ticaret Odası, 15:00 |
Muş | 1 June, Belediye Toplantı Salonu, 13:00 |
Sakarya | 6 June, Sait Tanış Kültür Merkezi, 20:00 |
Şanlıurfa | 7 June, Belediye Toplantı Salonu, 11:00 |
İzmir | 6 June, Ahmet Priştina Kent Arşivi ve Müzesi, 10:00 |
İstanbul | 8 June, Türkiye Yazarlar Birliği 14:00 |
Adıyaman | 14 June, Adıyaman Belediyesi Meclis Salonu, 14:00 |