While the Turkish Grand National Assembly meets for the arbitrament of the 2011 budget draft,small National Assembly convened to talk. The attendance was poor.
While the Turkish Grand National Assembly meets for the arbitrament of the 2011 budget draft,small National Assembly convened to talk. The attendance was poor.
In December TsNA meetings took place in 16 provinces. TsNAs together with the TGNA put the 2011 budget draft on their agenda. Questioning how much this budget met the requirements of Turkey the small National Assemblies talked on the bugdet draft and the reviews. Unfortunately the topic was not interesting enough for attendance! Bitlis TsNA met one week later on December 11.
Since TGNA in a budget marathon from December 13 is closed to the outside. Therefore Common Denominator report for the month of December was postponed to Wednesday, December 29. This can be still postponed to the first Wednesday of January in case TGNA disperses for the holidays.